
The Urban League's dynamic counseling department serves clientele from all walks of lives. Our counseling department programs help individuals and families from birth to adulthood. Our viable counseling programs address the social and cultural needs of our clients.


Teens Organized For Pride And Success (TOPS)

The Teens Organized for Pride and Success (TOPS) Program serves students from age 10 to high school. This prevention program helps students with goal setting, positive thinking, problem solving, gang prevention, and ways to prevent negative behaviors.


The Visitation Program provides supervised and therapeutic visits between parents and their children in foster care, under the auspices of the Department of Children and Family Services, and according to their guidelines.


Family Habilitation

The Family Habilitation Program focuses on engaging the parent and caregiver in developing the skills necessary to support the management of daily household tasks, like teaching/demonstrating parenting skills, budgeting, meal planning, shopping, healthcare, hygiene, and accessing resources.

Parent Education Classes

The Parent Education classes offered are Infants and Toddlers and Becoming a Love & Logic Parent. These classes provide practical and effective methods for infants to teen children. Parents learn positive approaches to parenting and how to help their children be ready for the real world.